What Is Ascension?

Ascension is a shift in consciousness, a raising of all lower bodies ( physical, emotional, mental and spiritual ) to full awareness and presence in the NOW. Ascension is the raising of consciousness to a new level of existence, a shift from 3rd dimensional reality to that of the 5th dimension and beyond.

Ascension is experienced when the four lower bodies are in perfect balance therefore in perfect union with your Higher Self / Soul. This occurs when all so called negative thoughts and emotions such as fear, hatred and anger are transmuted and changed to that of love, kindness and compassion. Ascension is not a place but a state of Being.

Ascension is personal and planetary ascension. The Earth and all her inhabitants are in the process of transforming density into light, transforming our lower four bodies into a unified love / light field known as Lightbody. Planet Earth is in the process of being transformed into a new Garden of Eden where love, unity and peace are the new norm.

Ascension is not the process of dropping your physical vehicle and leaving this physical realm in search for a better reality but the process of "getting in here" being fully in~bodied and alive, joyfully living and sharing this joy with others in turn assisting them to remembering who they truly are


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